Is overwhelmed and burned out the norm for you? Do you go numb? Do you struggle identifying your needs or setting boundaries? Learn how to design your own emotional experience.

Mandy has been her own personal test lab for more than 40 years - overcoming complex PTSD, dissociation, 2 failed marriages and most importantly, learning how to love and accept ALL of her - including her shadow side.

Jason is an empath (one of those highly sensitive people), mentor, engineer, college professor, husband to an angel, a father of 10 children and has 4 grandchildren. Misunderstanding his empath abilities resulted in two failed marriages, strained relationships with some of his kids, living constantly in “Fight or Flight”, and his health suffered as a result of it all.

Together they have invested more than $150K in their transformational healing journey and now excel in all areas of their lives. Through their healing process, they’ve developed tools and strategies to master relationships and thrive in spite of the past. They now mentor others to untangle their chaos, take back their power, and create lives that they love through emotional design.

Follow Many and Jason at


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Instagram: [email protected],

YouTube: @emotionsbydesign

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